From the Principal’s Desk….

31st May 2024

And just like that it’s the end of May and I’m wondering how the year has gone so fast.  That said the year is far from over and the children and teachers are all busy trying to finish all the plans they made for the year.  So June is often one of the busiest months.  When you include school tours into the mix June can start to feel a little overwhelming.  Rang a hAon had a great day in Pine Forest yesterday which was especially satisfying when the day started with a scare as we thought the incorrect amount of lunches had been delivered.  We had to practise what we preach with some deep breathing and looking to see what we could do to fix the problem.  Thankfully it worked as we had two plans on the go before a final search of the lunch boxes located the missing lunch bags. 

Cycle right for Rang a Cúig is settling into a rhythm after a bumpy start when the van with the bicycles went on fire en route to the school.  Tony and Peter are masters of maximising the limited space we have to deliver a programme whose goals are to enable all children to cycle before they leave primary school.  And for the children who can already cycle they get training in how to ride safely through their area.  Thank you also to the infant parents who have been very good at clearing the yard as quickly as possible on Thursdays.


Forest School finished up for Senior Infants this week but it isn’t finished for everyone.  This year we are trying something new.  Our Rang 6 are going to have two weeks of Forest School to mark what they say is one of the highlights of their time in RMDS.  

Rang a 6 haven’t had time to adjust to Annie being on maternity leave.  On Monday they had a day working on their emotional intelligence.  We work on topics like this throughout the year but as the children prepare for the big transition to secondary school we thought it was a good idea to give more time and a different voice to the topic.  Rang a Sé were also busy planning for their trip to Delphi next week.  With Annie not available to go with the class I decided to go with them.  Swapping the view from the office with a view of the twelve bens won’t be too hard a pill to swallow.  However I won’t be available if you want to discuss an issue with me.  If there is anything urgent then Aoileann and Maria will be more than capable of helping you.

The big news this week is that I am the bearer of exciting and sad news.  Rita Brennan and Thérèse Curran are going to retire at the end of the year.  Rita and Thérèse have such a wealth of educational experience which we are really going to miss next year.  They also have given and continue to give so much to the school in so many little ways.  The full extent of which will only be evident when they aren’t here.  It has been an immense pleasure working with them both.  Rita is also the last teacher who taught in RMDS before we got our fancy new building and I am getting far too close to being one of the oldest people in the building.  The exciting part is that I know Rita and Thérèse will go on to have a very different but no doubt adventurous lives and we as a school are looking forward to acknowledging all that they have done for the school and to give them the send off they deserve as they head off on this new adventure.

Have a lovely weekend everyone,




Enrolment Form 9.30 - 2.30 / 2.30-5 Childcare      
Contact Caroline at      085-1156506
Camp - 1 Child  €150 week  / Camp & Childcare 9.30-5pm €175 weekly
(Discount with 2 siblings = €285) Camp & Childcare 9.30-5pm €335 weekly
(Discount 3 siblings = €420) / Camp & Childcare 9.30-5pm €495 weekly
Limited Places Available, please choose which week you would like your child to attend.






Ranelagh Multi-Denominational School,
Ranelagh Road,
Dublin 6.
T: +353 1 496 1722