Extra Curricular Activities in RMDS (2014)
Extra curricular activities are organised by the RMDS Board of Management.
Requests to provide an extra curricular activity should be presented in writing to the Board, to include details of the type of activity, venue, insurance cover (if appropriate), details of experience and qualifications to deliver such an activity. In making decisions on such requests, consideration shall be given to issues including:
- The range of other activities on offer
- Experience and qualifications of the person providing the activities
- Garda vetting clearance
- Prior demand from the parents and children for such an activity
- Commitment to deliver the activity for a school year
All applications will be treated in confidence.
The following information shall be provided to all extra curricular providers once they have agreed to take part in the programme:
Dates for the year:
Circulated in June each year by the Board of Management
Pupil/Teacher ratio:
- Maximum of 20 children to one teacher.
Costs of classes
- Classes should not exceed the range €5 – €7, unless special circumstances apply.
- In order that every child in the school has the opportunity to take part in the extra curricular activities, the Board will continue to offer financial support to families who might otherwise not be able to avail of the extra curricular programme.
- All providers are expected to be tax compliant and are reminded that it is their responsibility to declare taxable income obtained from extra curricular activities.
Cancellation of classes:
- If an extra curricular class has to be cancelled, please inform the Principal in the first instance.
- If an activity is weather dependent, the parents should know what procedures apply in the event of bad weather.
- If a class has to be cancelled for any other reason, parents should be given as much notice as possible. If notice is less than 24 hours, arrangements will have to be put in place to facilitate parents of children who are unable to change plans at short notice e.g. this might mean organising the supervision of children in a classroom until they can be collected. These arrangements should be agreed with the principal in advance.
Contacting Parents
- Contact with parents about extra curricular activities should be made directly by the teacher with the parents. The school office should not be involved unless in exceptional circumstances.
- All extra curricular teachers should have contact details readily available for parents of children in their class – (e-mail and phone numbers) so that they can be contacted should the need arise. In the case of ‘parent-led’ activities(such as religion classes) contact details for the parent(s) who are organising the activity should be provided.
Collection of children
- Children should be handed over to parents or minders by the teacher after class. All children must be minded until they are collected. Under no circumstances may a teacher leave a child who has not been collected.
- Discipline or behaviour issues should be discussed by the relevant teacher with the parent of the child concerned. If this does not resolve the situation, the advice of the principal may be sought. In an extreme case, the Board of Management is available to help.
- If any other difficulties are encountered with the classes please contact the Principal at the earliest opportunity.
- First aid should be administered in accordance with the RMDS policy.
- A written accident/incident report should be provided.
- Direct contact must be made with the parent/guardian to explain what happened.
- The principal/extra curricular co-ordinator should also be informed ASAP.
- Teachers are expected to be in time for classes
- Rooms should be left as you find them
- In accordance with the healthy eating policy of the school, sweets should not be used as treats except to mark the last class of each term.
- Where parents act as co-ordinators of an activity, such as in the case of Saturday Soccer and religious instruction classes, they are requested to pass on a copy of this policy to the relevant teacher.
- The ethos and the good name of RMDS should be maintained during all extra curricular activities.
- The safety and welfare of the children is paramount during this programme.
- The Board reserves the right to terminate an activity.
- If there is specific information about your classes, equipment, clothing etc, this should be given to children along with a receipt when they enrol.
- Application forms will be sent from the office and completed forms will be available for teachers to collect from the secretary.
- The safety and welfare of the children is paramount during this programme.
- The Board reserves the right to terminate an activity.
Religious education classes
The Board of Management facilitates any group of parents who wish to arrange denominational instruction for their children, as it is required to do by the Patron. In practice, this usually means that a parent or group of parents approach the principal with a view to circulating a note to other parents who might be interested in having denominational instruction organised. Usually, a sealed note is then circulated to all the children in the class via the schoolbags. All future correspondence is only sent to those parents who respond to the initial letter.
To date, the only denominational instruction classes to take place have been Catholic instruction in preparation for First communion and Confirmation in Rathmines parish church. Numbers vary from year to year. Usually the parent co-ordinator(s) organise the classes, employ the teacher and liaise with the church authorities on behalf of the group.
The Patron of the school has issued an instruction in regard to denominational instruction and the employment of teachers. This is available from the office. An additional factor in religious instruction is individual church requirements.
However, the Board is entitled to request that the broad policy framework applying to other extra curricular classes apply to denominational instruction as well, in particular regarding:
- Pupil / teacher ratio
- Arrangements for classes (in terms of punctuality, behaviour, cancellations) etc.
- Acceptable behaviour
- Cost and accessibility
A copy of this policy statement should be circulated to any group of parents wishing to organise denominational instruction. This should be passed on to the teachers involved.
This policy will be reviewed at regular intervals.
RMDS Board of Management 2014