General Information


RMDS is located in Ranelagh Road, beside Mount Pleasant Square, on the south side of Dublin. It is on the site of the old St.Columba's national school, which was donated to RMDSA by the Church of Ireland. This historic link to the present day school represents service to education spanning about one hundred years.

Public Transport

The Ranelagh Luas Stop (green line) is beside the school on Ranelagh road.
Bus-routes serving the area are: 48A, 86, 18, 11, 44, 44A.
Also buses serving Rathmines + a short walk.

Teaching Staff

The Principal is Ms. Rosemarie Stynes  and Mr. Paul Fairbrother is Deputy Principal. In addition we have eight classroom teachers and four special education teachers. We also employ two special needs assistants and a classroom assistant.

The Curriculum for National Schools is followed and the teachers co-ordinate their work through regular meetings. A copy of the policies contained in the School Plan is available from the school office. Click here for more information

School Hours

Junior & Senior Infants: 8.30am - 13.10pm
First to sixth classes: 8.30am - 2.10pm

All classes have a ten minute break between 10.30am and 11 am and lunch is from 12.15pm to 12.45pm.

The school gate is open in time for everyone to get to their classes for 8.30am sharp.Teachers are in the classroom at that time, ready to commence the Core-Curriculum at 8.50am. Punctuality is expected as latecomers disrupt the class.

Car-drivers are asked to avoid driving around the back of the school between 8.15am and 9.15am and again between 1.00pm and 2.30pm. This will ensure a much greater level of safety for the children as they come and go from and to school. Parents coming into the school are asked to park legally and use the traffic warden to cross where applicable. Parking illegally around the school- even for a few moments - causes a significant danger to pupils. The school is in a residential area and local residents should not be hindered.

Please ensure that pupils are collected punctually at 13.10 pm and at 2.10pm each day. No responsibility can be taken for children on the premises outside these times.

Reception morning

A reception morning  is held each year, usually in June, for new children and their parents. This occasion acquaints parents with the routine of the school and is an opportunity for children to see their new school and to meet their teacher.


The children are supervised during playtime by the teachers and the ancillary staff. Children are not allowed to leave the school premises during school hours.


The school has a healthy lunches policy - ie. no fizzy drinks, sweets, chocolate or crisps. Dublin City Council supplies milk. All children should have a lunch box and are asked to bring home all food waste.

Personal Property

All belongings (schoolbag, shoes, coats, books etc.), should have the owner's name clearly marked on them.

Lost Property

The lost property box is situated beside the secretary's office This should be checked promptly as the contents are donated to a local charity shop each month.

Text Books

Book lists are issued to the children in early June. The school also operates a book rental scheme.

Stationery Accounts

There are certain costs associated with ordinary classroom activities such as photocopying, art materials etc. These costs are not covered by any Department of Education subvention and are essential for standard curricular requirements. These accounts will be given to the children with their book lists.

School Tours

There is a programme of 'out of school' activities for all classes. Payment for these is made at the beginning of the year. A general permission is sought from parents for children to take part in these activities.

Payment for School Activities and Items

Please click on the image below

Absence From School

When children are absent for any reason,  an email or phone message to explain the absence is required.

Urgent Messages

The secretary's office is open from 8.30am until 2.30pm. It is closed for lunch between 13.10pm and 13.40pm. Urgent messages for pupils and teachers may be left with the secretary during school hours. If the secretary is not in attendance, a telephone answering machine will normally be in service. Parents are urged not to use this facility to contact pupils, except in an emergency. Post for the Board of Management, Executive Committee and the Parent's Association can also be left in the secretary's office.

All parents are requested to ensure that the school has their telephone numbers, (daytime, evening and especially creches), so that they may be contacted if required. It is a good idea to have such numbers written inside school bags also.

Infectious Illness

The school should be notified of infectious illnesses, and the child kept at home until they have recovered fully.

School Notes

Each week, a News in Brief is emailed. However, parents are advised to check their email account/bags EACH DAY, otherwise they may not be fully informed about what is happening in the school.

The school also operates a web based text messaging service to remind parents about various school events. Please ensure that the school has your mobile number in order to receive these texts.


Parent-Teacher Liaison

Good communication between parents and teachers is essential to the environment we work to create. Therefore class meetings are held at the beginning of the school year, so that parents can be informed of the requirements of the new class. Individual parent/teacher meetings are held in November. Written school reports are sent for all pupils in June. However, if parents have any problem or wish to speak to the teachers at other times of the year, they are very welcome to make an appointment. This may be done through the school secretary.


Where problems arise for particular children, parents or guardians are asked first to meet with the class teacher; if the problem is not resolved, the school Principal will be available to help.

If the problem is still not resolved, the parent is then free to contact the Board of Management, and in an extreme case, to raise the matter with the Patron.

Code of Behaviour

The School Code of Behaviour is based upon principles of equal respect for the children and for the teaching staff. The Code assumes that children are, of their nature, good, that each child is naturally disposed toward sociable and co-operative behaviour and does their best within the circumstances of their situation. Copies are available from the school office.An anti-bullying policy is in place. Click Here For More Information

Health and Safety

The Health and Safety Policy is reviewed regularly. Click Here For More Information


Extra curricular activities are organised by RMDS after school hours. Activities which have been offered include football, drama, tin whistle, French, chess, hockey, art and Irish dancing. Other ideas for extra curricular activities are continually being explored. For more information, visit the Extra Curricular page.

School Clothing

In general, children, particularly in the junior classes should wear loose fitting, comfortable clothes and footwear all the time as every day involves at least some movement and physical activity. Clothes should also be suitable for arts activities. All removable clothing and footwear should be labelled.

Ranelagh Multi-Denominational School,
Ranelagh Road,
Dublin 6.
T: +353 1 496 1722