Ranelagh Multi-Denominational School
The aim of this Acceptable Use Policy is to ensure that pupils will benefit from learning opportunities offered by our internet resources in a safe and effective manner. Internet use and access is considered a school resource and privilege. Therefore, the school will employ a number of strategies in order to maximise learning opportunities and reduce risks associated with the internet. These strategies are as follows:
All adults on the school premises will also be bound by the guidelines in the acceptable use policy. They will use the internet legally and responsibly, primarily for the benefit of the school, and do nothing to bring the school into disrepute or to compromise the safety and privacy of pupils and other members of the school community.
World Wide Web
Direct Communication using Internet (Remote Learning)
Teachers in the school may choose to use a number of tools for classroom communication. Examples include Aladdin, Seesaw, Google Classroom, Google Meet and email. Some of these tools provide ‘synchronous video opportunities’ whereby a staff member directly speaks to the children live - e.g. through a webinar/online classroom or online meeting. The staff member invites pupils and their families to these meetings using a code.
The following are ground rules for online lessons:
The school is bound by the following legislation, amongst others, relating to use of the internet:
Misuse of the internet may result in disciplinary action, including written warnings, withdrawal of access privileges and, in extreme cases, suspension or expulsion in accordance with the school’s code of behaviour. The school also reserves the right to report any illegal activities to the appropriate authorities.
Ratification and Review
This policy will be regularly reviewed.
This policy was ratified at the RMDS Board of Management of 8th June 2020.
Signed: Date: 8th June 2020
William Connor
William Connor
(Board of Management, RMDS)
Appendix B – AUP Form for all new parents
Re: Internet Access
As part of the school’s education programme we offer pupils supervised access to the Internet. This allows students’ access to a large array of online educational resources that we believe can greatly enhance students’ learning experience.
However, access to and use of the internet requires responsibility on the part of the user and the school. These responsibilities are outlined in the school’s Acceptable Use Policy (enclosed). It is important that this enclosed document is read carefully, signed by a parent or guardian and returned to the school.
Although the school takes active steps to promote safe use of the internet, it recognises the possibility that students may accidentally or deliberately access inappropriate or objectionable material.
Having read our Acceptable Use Policy, you may like to take a moment to consider how the internet is used in your own home, and see if there is any way you could make it safer for your own family. The website www.webwise.ie. contains some helpful tips. The school policy on e-learning is available on the school website www.rmds.ie .
Yours sincerely
Will Connor
Board of Management