That has been a lovely week. The children in Rang 3 agus a 4 came back buzzing with the excitement from their amazing performance at the Peace Proms. The parents I spoke to all mentioned that it was a very positive experience for them as well as the children. Huge thanks to Ellen, Moya, Therese and Sanam for all they did to make it happen. We’ll take a break from the peace proms next year and if we get a place the children in Rang 3 agus a 4 will be taking part in the Science Blast event.
As I walked with the children in Rang a 2 to Forest School it was lovely to see the fruits of the children’s digging in the autumn. Thanks to Aoileann for organising the bulbs and driving the initiative to make the spaces around us a little bit prettier. Myself and Aoileann have been sitting down and chatting about plans we have for a well being garden on our roof. The previous student council have gathered up lots of ideas from all the classes about what they would like the space to become. We’re looking forward to getting some more concrete ideas and plans for the space. If you have any experience in this area and would like to get involved please let me know.
The student council have also been very involved in making break times more fun and the addition of extra toys/drawing spaces/ toy spaces have made a very positive impact. Our kitchen is however a little bare. If you have any items that you no longer need which would be suitable for this area please bring them in and we’d be delighted to give them a new home. Similarly the garage is always in need of a top up of cars or anything with wheels. The children have no problem being inventive with the equipment. A very persistent group managed to get all our chairs into one stack. That achieved, they are now looking at other structures which they can build.
The clothes swap yesterday was brilliant. It is a very simple initiative to give clothes an extra life and it created a nice buzz and sense of community in the yard. Thanks to the Green School Committee and the PA for their help in running the event.
Today we welcomed teachers from three different schools as part of our DCU Community of Practice project. We have been working with teachers in these schools and schools in Belgium, the Czech Republic and Netherlands. The aim of the project is to look at ways we can use technology to help children with Dyslexia and then to investigate; does working with other teachers in a community improve learning outcomes. It has been very interesting to be involved in the project and Neysa has been inspirational in her role in this community of practice.
We are continuing our work on Stay Safe and Anti Bullying. In conjunction with this and to mark Safe Internet Day on Tuesday. I will be talking to the children about their role in what makes the internet a Safer Place. With the senior classes I will be asking them to look at what we have in our acceptable use policy and to bring it home, discuss it with you and sign it. As parents you will have already signed this when you arrived in the school but I think it is important for the children to take ownership of their digital behaviour and build on what Paula discussed last month in her ‘Don’t be mean behind your screen chat’.
The children are starting to work on their ‘Write a Book’ projects and it is lovely to see how excited they are about their characters and the plot. It is a big undertaking for teachers and children and if you are reading with your child it might be nice to ask some questions about why they like some characters more than others and explore the different elements of story telling. What happened at the beginning of the story? How much of the story was that? A quarter/half? What happened in the middle and the end?
When the books come to me after lots of consultations, editing and redrafting. We look to celebrate some of the story telling elements of their work. Best character, best plot, most improved since the first draft, best illustrations, interesting twist. Every year the stories get better and better and I love to see that progress and the children’s pride as they talk about their previous stories.
Rang a 4 have been working on mapping and I wonder will some of this work find its way into their stories.
It has been a good week not to take your car to school as the work on the footpaths is certainly restricting the already limited parking around the school. The green school committee will be promoting more environmentally friendly ways of getting to school again next week. The blue skies make the prospect of a walk to school more appealing. Keep it up everyone.
Have a lovely weekend,
Thanks so much to everyone who contributed to a brilliant kids clothes swap in yard on Thursday. The Green Schools committee sorted heaps of clothes and a gang of 6th classers (thanks Francesca, Hal, Ethan, Sam, Toby and Jake!) finished the job and also helped out manning stalls at the event. There was a lovely buzz in yard and hopefully loads of kids went home with a new-to-you treasure! 👖👗👘👚👕👔👢
The adult clothes recycling event will be in yard on Thurs Feb 27th so start collecting your good-to-donate items now. We are asking for a donation for every haul taken from the adult recycling event and will use this money on a treat for the kids!
🎬✨ Save the Date for Movie Night! ✨🎬
Calling all junior infants to R4—get ready for a magical movie night at school on February 28th, 2025!
It’s an evening of big-screen fun for the kids and drinks for the grown-ups, so get ready for a fantastic night out—without even leaving the school!
🎟️ Tickets go on sale next week! Stay tuned for movie announcements and all the details on how to grab yours.
See you at the movies! 🍿✨
Thanks so much
There are limited spaces available for the midterm camp, an application form is attached with the newsletter.
Monday 17th - 21st February
Camp - 9.30 – 1.30pm
Normal Childcare 1.30-6pm for children who already are attending childcare.
€80 per child/ €150 for two siblings / 3 siblings €210
If you have any further questions please contact Caroline
February Midterm Camp 2025
Monday 17th - 21st February
Camp - 9.30 – 1.30pm
Normal Childcare 1.30-6pm for children who already are attending childcare.
€80 per child/ €150 for two siblings / 3 siblings €210
Complete application form and return by email back to the childcare manager who will then confirm your place.
Please do not pay until the Childcare Manager has confirmed your place.
Parent/Guardian Contact Info
Name __________________________
Mobile ______________________________
Child’s Info
Child’s Name____________________________
Child’s Age & Class _____________
Allergies / Additional Needs ____________________________________
Will your child be attending on their days in the late childcare session?
(not relevant if not enrolled in childcare)
Monday - Yes ________ No ________
Tuesday - Yes ________ No ________
Wednesday -Yes ________ No ________
Thursday - Yes ________ No ________
Friday - Yes ________ No ________
Places are limited.
Coiste Glas
We are in the middle of our BIG TRAVEL CHALLENGE. Our survey showed that more than double the children walked, scooted, cycled, or used public transport than drove to school by car. Well done everybody, Keep up the good work! Every time you leave the car at home you are helping the environment. We will carry out another survey after the challenge and see if we have even more people choosing a sustainable way to travel.