Happy Friday everyone. Myself and Aoileann have both been away at training courses in the past few weeks. I was away this week so I have missed seeing all the faces at the gate. We met deputies and principals from other schools and have been hearing stories and both of us have been feeling very grateful to work in our little school surrounded by very supportive colleagues, parents and children who are all working together to make the school as good as it can be. So thank you to everyone for your part in making this a big part of the culture of our school.
There will be a new moon arriving in the sky this evening which marks the beginning of Ramadan for people around the world. Rang a 4 led the assembly this morning telling us all about it. They have been busy preparing for it and have focused on the good deeds that are associated with the 30 days of Ramadan. There are posters all over the school and in my office to remind us of the practice. Hopefully you will see an increase of good deeds in your house. They also had to deal with a poster collapsing, microphones not working and the music stopping half way through their song. It didn’t hold them back, they were and are brilliant.
Rang 4 were also on a trip to the RHA this week. I think the time to stop and look at some of the art was an excellent mindful exercise in the middle of a busy and industrious week. I actually was doing the same myself as I looked at their haikus and screen prints outside their classroom.
Junior Infants had a visit from the Gardaí who were chatting about what the Gardaí do to keep us all safe. They also got to visit the Library with their buddies and pick out some books in preparation for World Book Day next week.
Seachtain na Gaeilge which is actually a coicís is due to start next week and the classes have been busy preparing for it. I’m looking forward to seeing the Irish language and Culture being celebrated. At the start of the year all the teachers in their meetings mentioned the importance of your attitude and its importance to your child’s attitude and I’ve been delighted with the whole school engagement with this. My barometer has been the school gate where I’m able to have nice small talk chats about the weather and what’s happening after school with the senior classes and I get the most enthusiastic maidin maiths from the junior classes and I love that so many of them ask me about how I am. A couple of Junior Infants were giving out to me on Monday because they had said maidin mhaith to me and I hadn't noticed because I was talking to a parent. I’ll be better next week.
Rang 5 have been working on their gymnastics and today put sequences together using the skills they have been practicing.
Next month's focus on Irish dancing is not everyone's favourite but as they will get to teach and work with their buddies it becomes more fun which is what it should be about. The whole school will be working towards the céilí mór which is one of the craziest but most entertaining events as the whole school try and move together with their haon, do, tri’s. Rang a 3 were on the roof garden practicing theirs this morning with Aoileann and Moya.
Rang a 6 have really shown their organisational skills this week as they set up the football world cup. The group stages are underway and todays match was really exciting even if it was a nil all draw.
A past pupil of ours who loved these competitions came to my attention this week as he made his international debut for the Irish under 16 team scoring both their goals against Finland. Ben will be back in action today and we wish him every success.
A big congratulations to Elise, Isabel and Sam from Rang 6 who made their confirmation today. We hope you had a lovely day!
The PA have their Movie night tonight and the children from Juniors to Rang a 4 are very excited about the prospect of getting into the school after hours. I hope that it lives up to their expectations and with all the work the PA have put into the event I’m sure that it will be.
The student council have been working on the Bí Cinéalta programme which will replace our Anti Bullying Policy next year. Their idea to make it picture based is very interesting and could prove to be very creative.
Next Wednesday our choir, orchestra ensemble and rock band will be taking part the the Córfhéile na Scoileanna. We are indebted to Therese and Aoileann for all that they do to make these events possible.
Next week rang 4 will be playing cispheil as Gaeilge and a big highlight is the Margadh Cistí which will be on Wednesday. We generally suggest the children bring in no more than €1 and they use their Gaeilge to purchase one or two buns which the children in Rang 5 agus a 6 have provided.
Next week the Parent’s Association will get to relax and wind down after all their efforts with the adult clothes swap and the movie night as they make use of the hall for a sound bath.
Have a lovely weekend everyone and hopefully the blue sky weather will continue,