From the Principal’s Desk….


Next week the enrolment window will open from the 1st October until the 25th.  If you want a place for your child in next September’s Junior Infant class you must register their names within that window to avail of the sibling priority. Please use the link on the school website to do this.

We had our first assembly this morning.  Rang a 6 did a lovely job explaining our values to the whole school. Generosity, Kindness, Respect, Integrity, Resilience, Honesty, Empathy, Gratitude, Determination and Courage. The important message that I took away from the assembly is that we should have integrity and uphold these values even if they aren’t to our personal benefit and even if no one is looking.  It finished with the whole school up and dancing to ‘Country Roads’  Rang Sé were and are a brilliant example to the school.

The adults earlier this morning were also upholding our values with a lovely and relaxed feel to the coffee morning.  Thanks to all the PA fairies for the magic they continue to share with the school.  I think it has settled down but some of the residents around the school were complaining about people parking in front of their drives and blocking roads while they did the drop off.  Please remember that we as adults need to model our values to our children, respect our neighbours, show them empathy and even if it means you have to drive a little further away from the school or go around one more time please do so.

Rang a 3 managed to avoid all the crazy rain and had a lovely couple of days in the forest.  We are looking forward to another 7 weeks of exploration and fun.


Our buddy system has been such a positive thing in the school it has slowly expanded with Rang 5 buddying up with senior infants and this week Rang a 4 met with their buddies in Rang a 1.  They are planning on some reading initiatives together but this week it was all about having some fun.  It also helps the children get to know some of the younger classes which because of split breaks they don’t get a chance to meet in their normal day.

Our green school committee are starting their big beach clean up next week, they have added a short piece about it at the bottom of the newsletter.

Another thing to remember is that we have Michelle from MOS photography (a past parent) coming in to take class photos on Monday.  I will do my best to have my hair brushed, hopefully you will remember too.

Sara spotted some opportunistic teens come through the gates this afternoon. We suspect they were looking for unlocked bikes, please do remember to lock bikes to the racks.

Have a lovely weekend everyone,



From the Parents’ Association….

Thank you to everyone who supported the coffee morning yard after drop off.  It's lovely to get to chat to parents as September winds down and we are all settling back into the routine of school life.  New coffee pots have been ordered and the next event will hopefully have a much higher quality of beverage on offer!  Shout out to the bakers and makers that provided amazing fudge, gorgeous raspberries and other yum treats!  Also to the parents who set up a coffee morning with aplomb: thank you!

The month of October has a few PA events in the calendar.  Particularly the PA Quiz in The Hill on Oct 24th.  Tickets will be on sale shortly, available through the website.  Teams of 4 are encouraged to buy together.  However, if you want to be teamed up with parents from your kids' class, single tickets will also be available.  

We are also asking for raffle prizes for the night of the quiz.  Anyone who has something to donate, please email  All donations gratefully received.  

The Halloween raffle will also be run in school, where your child can win a basket of Halloween goodies!  Details of how to buy tickets will be announced via class reps.  

Thank you to all who attended the PA meeting on Tuesday night.   Particularly to all the class reps: thank you for communicating with classes and for putting your hands up to be on the committee.  The PA can only operate when people are involved and we are delighted to have a fantastic bunch of class reps for the coming year.  Minutes available from for anyone who wants them and the next meeting is on Wednesday, Oct 23rd.  

Thank you all!

Lorraine and Eimear 

PA co-chairs


From the Green School committee….


The green schools are hosting A big beach clean up this is how it works…

For the big beach clean up every class will be given a different area to clean in Ranelagh for example the Triangle.   We will be starting on Monday.


For the rest of this term the green schools will try their best to help the environment and make a difference for our school! 


Bobby and Rhea 

5th class Green School Members


Ranelagh Multi-Denominational School,
Ranelagh Road,
Dublin 6.
T: +353 1 496 1722