From the Principal’s Desk….

I mentioned last week that it was ‘Active Week’ this week and it certainly has been that.  A big thank you to Ellen who ran the week so well.  The levels of energy and excitement have been very high.  It has all culminated in the most incredibly busy Friday.  The school choir and ensemble orchestra invited their parents to the most beautiful of shows at 08:00.  I wanted to open the doors to let all the parents arriving at our normal time to hear them.  They were incredible.  Huge congratulations to Aoileann and Therese Coogan who have given so much of their time to facilitate choir all year and today was a wonderful celebration of all the work.


While that was happening Rang a 6 were in the yard getting ready for our newest initiative Forest School for Rang 6 which they are loving. As all that was happening the grandparents were gathering and waiting in the yard. It is a very short time but it is something that previous classes have mentioned wishing they got one more chance in Forest School.  It is great to see the children’s wishes materialise.


After a very swift turnaround the grandparents had tea and coffee in the hall and were met by our Junior Infants who brought them to their classroom and performed some beautiful songs and poems much to the delight of the parents and grandparents.

As this was happening Rang 1 agus a 2 were getting ready for a basketball session which one of our Junior infants managed to get involved in and even scored a basket.

Right now Rang a Ceathair are having so much fun in the hall playing world chase tag.  All the children from Rang 1 to Rang a 6 had the chance to play what is becoming a favourite of Active Week. Ask your child about it and then google it, but not the other way around. 

While all that is happening I am in the middle of reading the End of Year Reports.  I have very recently had two conversations about how many of the problems we are dealing with come because we like to classify things and put them in boxes with labels when actually we should just let people be people without any labels.  Somewhat ironically I have now spent a week reading reports which do just that, in an effort to let you know how your child is doing in school.  Your child is much greater than could ever be contained on one sheet of paper and definitely much greater than the little box in the corner marked test scores.  These are such tiny parts of who your child is and it is very important that we don’t attach too much importance to them.  If we do then our children will too.  That said the reports and any scores and comments they contain are a snapshot of a moment in time and are useful to see what elements of school life are working for your child and which aren’t and to help them with that but bearing in mind that bigger picture, that they are so much more than the piece of paper.  The reports will be issued to you next week and you will have the chance to talk to the teacher about any queries or issues you have.

With all the business of today I haven't mentioned that the whole school was moving to the beat of the drum on Monday, then calming down with Claire for yoga on Wednesday and on the climbing frame all week.  Rang 6 basketballers were playing for their first time on a full sized court against two other schools in a blitz on Wednesday and Rang 2 have managed to work Marshmallows into their Maths  while Rang 3 have managed to get coco pops into their lesson this morning.  Our classrooms are full of the most creative people, teachers included.  


Next week we have knitting/crochet with Mary Clare, Art with Sally, three school trips and a graduation.  Who said June was a quiet month?

Have a lovely weekend everyone,


From the Parents’ Association….

Thank you to everyone for making last Sunday's sports day such a massive success!   From the people pumping up a paddling pool at 9am to the spotters tasked with making agonising decisions about race winners, the event was a huge success.

It is testament to what can happen when the school community comes together.   

Massive thanks in particular to Renagh Howley and Brendan Barrington, who ran the logistics of the day with aplomb! 

Ranelagh Multi-Denominational School,
Ranelagh Road,
Dublin 6.
T: +353 1 496 1722