From the Principal’s Desk….

6th September 2024

Welcome back to all our parents and children.  Things are settling into a nice rhythm already and as the children’s art is starting to appear on the walls, that strange echo has left all the classrooms. A particular welcome to our newest members in Junior Infants.   I have just spent the morning chatting with them in the class and I can’t believe how settled and happy they are.  I should add a word of caution - sometimes after the novelty of big school has worn off, there can be some upset that you have to keep going to school. This is often after September but for now we are enjoying the happy chatter of the children getting to know each other and if there is upset we will support your child in handling it.

I would like to say a thank you to all of the parents who have been so welcoming to our new teachers Elizabeth Buckley in Rang 1, Anna Deane in Rang 2 and Moya Dunleavy in Rang 3.  25 years ago I started subbing in RMDS and I still remember that warm welcome and it’s one of the reasons I am still here.  Thank you all for continuing that legacy of support of and to our teachers.  

Next week we will begin our class meetings where you will get a chance to meet the teachers and assistants who are working with your children.  They will explain how their classroom works and you will get a chance to ask any questions you might have. The schedule for the meetings is as follows;

Wednesday 11th - Rang 5

Thursday 12th - Rang 4

Friday 13th - Rang a 6


Monday 16th - Rang a 3

Tuesday 17th - Junior Infants

Wednesday 18th- Rang a 1

Thursday 19th - Rang a 2

Friday 20th - Senior Infants

The meetings will be starting at 08:45 and are generally finished by 09:30.  Meetings are held in the Seomra Spraoi.  To find it you go past the secretary’s office and turn right.  Go to the top of the stairs and it is on the right. 

We have decided to focus on handwriting and poetry this month.  Rang a 4 were very creative in using some books that were beyond repair to create poems by blacking out words.  

Meanwhile in Rang a 5, I had the very difficult decision on what kind of house I wanted to buy.  I was really impressed with the way that each group presented their designs although the feature of windows to

shout out at the neighbours had me a bit worried about one of the houses




We signed up for the Cumann na mBunscol football tournament last year and we have our first match next week in Cathal Brugha Barracks.  The boys and girls in Rang a 5 agus a 6 are showing great enthusiasm.  Training has been a joy helped by the fact that it has been sunny.  For parents involved you will be getting an email shortly with details.  I wasn’t actually expecting the tournament to start so soon so I am not as prepared as I’d like to be.  Thankfully I have lots of parental support and the children have plenty of experience having trained with Simon from Ranelagh Gaels since Junior Infants.  

Simon will be starting back next week with Senior infants, Rang a 1 agus a 3.

Swimming for Rang a 2 will be starting next week also as will all the extra curricular activities.  If you didn’t get a place in your desired activity I am sorry.  I had been chatting with the PA about the fairest time to release classes to everyone as the switch to email applications at the usual time did not suit everyone.  Mary and Barbara in the office are delighted with how smooth it all went.  It was a regular sight at this time of year to see Mary with forms dotted all over the floor of the office as she tried to put order on them.  If you do have any feedback on the new process please let me know. We are always trying to be better.


Have a lovely weekend everyone,



From the PA….

Welcome back to school from the PA.   

We have an exciting calendar of events currently being finalised for the entire academic year.   All details will be announced soon.  

Next Friday, Sept 13th, we will host a coffee morning for Junior Infant parents.   This is a chance for them to get to know each other and the school.   

Full school coffee morning in the coming weeks.  

Hope everyone has had a great first week of school! 

From the PA


Extra - Extra Curriculars….

Alto School of Music is excited to offer music classes for RMDS students in the 2024-2025 school year, continuing to create music at the school, inspire performances, and boost creativity in young souls!

We had a relaxing and lively summer at the same time with participation in festivals with workshops. We were rocking the stage at Kaleidoscope, Electric Picnic, Ukulele Hooley as well as running music summer schools/camps & preparing programs for the next academic year.

Available slots left to book: 

Tuesdays - booked out 

Wednesdays - booked out 

Thursdays (piano beginners, guitar, drums): 

3.35 PM 30 mins

4.45 PM 30 mins

5.15 PM 30 mins


Saturdays (piano, all levels):

9.40 AM

11.30 AM 30 mins 

13.00 PM 30 mins 

Saturdays (violin): 

10.00 AM

10.30 AM

11.00 AM


Ranelagh Multi-Denominational School,
Ranelagh Road,
Dublin 6.
T: +353 1 496 1722