Information for Parents of 3rd Class Pupils
September 2022
The third Class Curriculum:
- Based on a spiral curriculum and builds on 2nd class
- Children will record all homework in their homework journals.
- It is essential that these journals are present everyday and that they are signed by parents or guardians every evening.
- Please reinforce the importance of taking down homework correctly at home.
- 45 minutes max concentration time
- Any issues with the homework: please do not hesitate to contact me.
English: Reading, writing and oral language
- Reading is crucial to learning in all curricular areas. In RMDS we have adopted the Oxford reading scheme. Every child in RMDS progresses through this scheme. Each week the children will be given a reader to be read during the week.
- To cater for the individuality of the children in class, their learning styles and specific learning needs, a variety of approaches in the teaching of reading will be used: reading aloud, shared reading, guided reading and independent reading.
- Each of these approaches offers the children a different degree of support and provide opportunities for the children to develop their reading skills.
- I would encourage you all to read to your children every night.
- In rang3 children still need to be reading aloud on a regular basis to develop their reading skills: intonation, fluency and comprehension.
- In rang3 we will also be engaging with a number of novels
- There are a number of written activities in the school day
- Children should write using the tripod grip, whereby the thumb and index finger grip the pencil with the next finger supporting the grip.
- Spellings/Grammar
- Anois go cursaí Gaeilge. Now to Gaeilge. Sa churaclam cuirtear an béim ar an gcur cúige cumarsáide. The curriculum advocates the conversational approach to Irish. An rud is tabhachtaí ná go bhfuil na páistí ag caint Gaeilge.
- The most important thing is that the children are talking Gaeilge. Bheidh mé ag úsáid an córais tumoideachais. I will be using the immersive approach. Beidh mé ag caint as Gaeilge an t-am ar fad, bheul go minic is féidir, ag úsáid áiseanna chun an míniú a thabhairt do na páistí. I will be talking Gaeilge throughout the lesson, as much as possible, using resources to explain myself. Bainfidh mé úsáid as cluichí, dramaíocht, ceol, filíocht chun an Gaeilge a mhuneadh.
- Déan iarracht do pháistí a spreagadh I Leith na Gaeilge agus bain úsáid as do chuid Gaeilge chomh maith. Encourage your child to speak as much Gaeilge as possible and use as much of your own as possible. Fiú bí ag foglaim as do pásití, let your children teach you!
- Maths at third class is a considerable step up with from 2nd Most notably multiplication and division are introduced in the number strand. Of considerable importance is the focus on addition, subtraction, multiplication and division tables to increase mathematical fluency. It is important that the children have their tables at the tip of their tongue to aid conceptual development.
- The other strands of the 3rd class are Algebra, Shape and space, Measures and Data. We will be using oral maths games, concrete materials, worksheets and textbooks to develop skills in each strand. The mathematical skills of applying and problem solving, communicating and expressing, integrating and connecting, and reasoning will be fostered and developed.
- The emphasis is placed on real life maths that is relevant to the child so making these connections aids concept development.
- Mental Maths through questioning and discussion, are very effective in reinforcing any concepts learnt in school. Fun problem solving activities and games in classroom help reinforce concepts
- Children have PE every Friday.
- Please ensure that they are suitably dressed in comfortable clothes and trainers. There is also a 10 minute “bizzy break” daily.
- Ceol programme is in use in the school. It’s a thoroughly enjoyable, engaging and active way for the children to learn music.
Core Curriculum:
Core Curriculum is a unique aspect of the curriculum of Multi-Denominational schools and integrates heavily with SPHE.
- It covers subject areas such as personal and moral development, environmental studies and information about different belief systems and religions-
- The Stay Safe Programme will be covered later in the second term. Topics covered are friendship, safe feelings, touches, bullying and strangers.
Mindfulness is part of our day in RMDS. It involves a few minutes reflection time after each break.
Special Educational Needs:
- The ethos in RMDS is all-inclusive. There are many different categories of special needs including academic, social, speech and language, and emotional and behavioural. We deal with each child on an individual basis and cater for their needs in the classroom and on yard. Louise Ormiston is our SET teacher.
Forest School
Forest school will take place from October for 8weeks - email to follow
Discipline/ Behaviour:
- There is a whole school approach to promote positive behaviour. Positive reinforcement incentive systems are in place to encourage good behaviour.
- There is a huge emphasis on manners and respect in the classroom. Therefore children must listen to one another, raise their hand if they want to speak and not disturb others when they are working.
- In these instances I am always fair, but on occasion repeated disruption of the class or a lack of positive behaviour may result in a loss of privileges. For example “Golden Time” on a Friday could be reduced.
- The Homework diary may also be used to send a note home if the behaviour is serious and ongoing.
- Individual records of all serious issues are kept by the school
- Confidentiality must be upheld – we cannot discuss other children with third party parents.
- The Code of Behaviour and the anti- bullying policy is available on the website and in hard copy from the office.
- Assessment of your children is an ongoing process.
- Observation of your children’s social skills e.g. How they work in a group/ With a partner/ Involve themselves in discussions.
- Individual conferencing with your child about subject areas.
- Correction of homework/ Workbooks/ Written Tasks.
- Questioning & Spelling tests.
- Standardised tests in English and Maths are mandatory in May
- These tests provide teachers and parents with crucial information about how the children’s literacy and numeracy levels compare with those of children nationally.
The school opens at 8:30 am and formal teaching commences at 8:50 am.
Please have your child in school by this time otherwise they will miss lessons and it may also be distressing for them to arrive late. If you arrive after 8:50 am please sign in at the office. Child is marked late after 8.40am.
Parents/Teacher Meetings:
Formal parent/teacher meetings will take place in November. If you wish to have a meeting with me at any other time, please feel free to make an afternoon appointment.
R.M.D.S encourages a healthy eating policy as part of Core Curriculum. Please ensure there is enough food for both breaks and NO NUTS. No birthday treats allowed in school.
Head lice:
Please regularly check children's hair for head lice. If children do have long hair it could be an idea to wear it tied back to limit it transferring from child to child.
Textbooks and Stationary:
Your child’s textbooks and copies are kept in class and are available for you to look at any time. Please ensure children come to school every day with at least two pencils,
Policy of Child Protection
DLP- Designated Liaison Person: Rosemarie Stynes
Deputy DLP- Paul Fairbrother
I look forward to working with your child this year and if you have any queries or questions about the above or any other school related matter please do not hesitate to ask.
Yours sincerely,
Neysa Healy