We had a great week this week in R6. On Monday morning, we welcomed Ms. Treacy into our classroom. We started our new weekly topic for Maths; Percentages. In English we studied how thermometers work, then we started doing Explanation Writing, in which we created and planned out weird and wacky ideas for inventions, such as a hair brush that also conditions your hair! We’ve also looked over the topic of stories from the Titanic in history. 

On Wednesday Ms. Treacy took over for the day, with successful results! We also learned all about Child Labour, and the sick yet inescapable cycle of poverty. 

In Irish, we starting learning and memorising all about grammar, specifically An Aimsir Chaite, siolla amhálin (one syllable) and dhá shiolla (two syllables) 

Tomorrow we are having a meaningful assembly concerning an Anti-Bully PSA featuring a song; ‘Treat People With Kindness’ by Harry Styles. Ken will also be coming over to play tag rugby with us! We are also excited for our new art project. 

Overall, it was a good week and we are looking forward to what comes next.

By Annie and Rowan

Ranelagh Multi-Denominational School,
Ranelagh Road,
Dublin 6.
T: +353 1 496 1722