SCHOOL NEWS in Brief…..
30th April 2015
From the Principal
Headlice continue to be an ongoing problem. The only solution is for every family to take responsibility to regularly check the heads at home for lice and for eggs.
Please do not drive around the school or park illegally at opening and closing time....and make sure children are aware that the roads around the school are public roads and are used by people other than the school community!
Good luck to Rang 6 (ably assisted by Rang 5) who are performing their version of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory today for the rest of the school and tomorrow at 9.45am sharp for their parents and families.
A reminder that the school will be closed next Tuesday, 5th May. All dates are on the school calendar on the website (
The Student Council is holding a ballot at the moment to decide how to donate funds raised during the Seachtain na Gaeilge cake sales. The chosen charities are The Irish Cancer Society and Nepal earthquake relief organizations.
From the PA:
Dog Show Take 2!!!
Regretfully Saturdays weather was too bad to go ahead with the Dog Show. We have rescheduled the event for Saturday 9th May, 2-4 pm. We will be back with a bigger, better and hopefully drier show! We will keep all registrations as they are and any amendments or additional registrations can be made at the gate on the Wednesday/Thursday of that week. Registrations will also be taken on the day!
Other important dates for the diary: Sports Day - Sunday 7th June, RMDS Parents Night Out - Friday 12th June.
Thanks in advance for all your support!
From the Green School committee:
Think about this question!
Do we need water meters?
In the absence of domestic tariffs and meters, domestic water use is higher in Ireland than in other European countries, with daily domestic consumption of water at approximately 160 litres. This compares to 150 litres in the UK (where approximately 40% of households are metered), 121 litres in Germany and 114 litres in Denmark (all users are metered in both countries).
Water shortages that are possibly related to increases in demand, high levels of leakage and changing precipitation patterns due to climate change have left some larger urban areas – particularly Dublin – struggling to meet demand during prolonged dry spells.With a surplus supply of 1% at any given time, the greater Dublin area faces water shortages in the coming 10 years. Furthermore, studies have shown that as the city's population grows close to 2 million there will be a demand for an extra 300 million litres of water per day, compared to 540 million litres per day today.