14th February 2025
Happy Valentine’s Day everyone. I hope that you get to share some time with those that you love and be grateful for that love. As delighted as I will be when Rosemarie returns next September I am very grateful that I get to be the principal here and work with such a lovely bunch of people. I love it here.
I was with the choir this morning as they blasted out some brilliant songs. They were so good that I had to open the doors to share the sound with everyone as they came through.
Junior Infants have been popping into the office showing me how amazing they are at their word building as they begin their journey with writing and putting sounds together.
In Senior Infants I was admiring the beautiful art and some very careful cutting. Rang 1 have been working really hard on their handwriting and I was enjoying hearing all about the characters they are developing for their write a books.
Maths in Rang a 2 looked like so much fun as they played with making shapes both 2 and 3 dimensional.
I mentioned wanting to change the art in the frames in the office and Rang a 3 took this very seriously and now I have a challenge to try and display all the art they gave me. The empty trophy cabinet for Tottenham was a little unkind but beautifully drawn!
Rang a Ceathair had the privilege of being brought around the amazing exhibition of Boys in the Making in the NCAD. Fiona Whelan the artist and parent was there to show them around and they all came back full of stories about it and no one complained (to me) about the walk which was I think a first.
Rang a Cúíg have been working on gymnastics this month and I got to see them progress with their cartwheels, individual and group balances. What I was most impressed with was the children's willingness to keep trying even when it was difficult.
Rang a 6 meanwhile have been incredibly busy. They were baking with the buddies on Wednesday and Thursday. The funniest story I heard from the day was some of the class complaining that the infants just wouldn’t listen and kept doing something they weren’t supposed to.
They have also begun working on building websites with Neysa. The upcoming soccer tournament promises to be the most organised ever as there will be a website to show the groups positions upcoming matches and who will be refereeing. This was just after they had finished making their zines as Gaeilge.
After their incredibly successful business initiatives at the Christmas Fair the Parents’ Association said thank you with a pizza party which was very well received.
This week we also had two of our past pupils working in the school as part of Transition Year and it was lovely seeing such accomplished young ladies being kind, supportive and unbelievably helpful.
So I am feeling very grateful to be surrounded by such talent from the staff who enable all these things to the children who rise to every challenge they meet with only an occasional nudge and you to the parents for all the support you give.
Next week is the mid term break and I hope that your break doesn’t get affected by illness. There have been a few cases of chicken pox in the junior classes so please be vigilant for the signs and symptoms.
The week could also be used as a chance to debug heads. If everyone checks their child’s head and treats this week, the spread of the dreaded lice could be halted but we do need everyone to do it.
When we return on the 24th February we will be welcoming a student teacher Jennifer who will be working in Junior Infants. We will also be looking to celebrate all the work the children have been doing in their Gaeilge classes as we get ready for Coicís na Gaeilge.
Have a lovely break,
From the Parents’ Association….
The adult clothes recycling event will be in yard on Thurs Feb 27th so start collecting your good-to-donate items now. We are asking for a donation for every haul taken from the adult recycling event and will use this money on a treat for the kids!
🎬✨ Save the Date for Movie Night! ✨🎬
Calling all junior infants to R4—get ready for a magical movie night at school on February 28th, 2025!
It’s an evening of big-screen fun for the kids and drinks for the grown-ups, so get ready for a fantastic night out—without even leaving the school!
See you at the movies! 🍿✨
Thanks so much