Welcome back to you all.
I felt very sorry for all the children this week listening to all the stories of snow but seeing none of it. Listening to what some schools have had to deal with. I’m grateful that we didn’t have any hassle other than sprinkling salt on the yard and liaising with Dublin City council who did a great job of keeping the paths around the school clear. It was nice falling back into the familiar routine of school life and I think everyone benefits from it.
Before the extra curricular activities start back next week we always take advantage of the freedom to leave the climbing frame up and all the children get a chance to play with it. Jess a transition year student who is on placement here, was talking yesterday about how much she loved it when she got to use it. I personally get a great sense of accomplishment when a child feels nervous about going over the high section but challenges themselves and has that sense of confidence that can only be gained by feeling nervous listening to your body being careful and achieving success.
We are currently having chats about how to use the roof garden. In previous years it was used by infants for yard time but now that we have changing times and have a staggered break the space is under used. We are starting work with our Patron (the Executive) The Board of Management, the Parents’ Association and The School Council about what that space might become. The idea we are leaning towards is a Well Being Garden.
What a wellbeing garden looks like is still up for debate. The climbing frame was such a grounding exercise for children and talking to the staff we felt that it helped some children regulate themselves so we are going to try leaving the climbing frame on the roof garden and that might give us some ideas about what the space will become. I am hoping for a hammock or at very least a swing.
January also marks the start of our Stay Safe programme where children in Senior Infants, Rang 1, Rang 3 agus Rang a 5 engage in this part of the curriculum. Stay Safe is a personal safety skills programme for primary schools. You can read more about it here. In all classes we focus on bullying, how to recognise it we also and give children strategies for how to deal with bullying. The children also learn that the bully is the one with the problem and the person who needs help so by telling we are helping them. Online bullying is unfortunately something our children also have to deal with so to help us understand and navigate this Paula from ‘Don’t be mean behind your screen will be in to have a chat to the senior classes. Rang 3-6 next Tuesday. When I hear about stories from other schools I am very glad that you the parent body have subscribed to ‘no smart phones in primary school’
There will be lots of conversations about this and it might be a good time to have a chat with your child about any of these topics.
We are currently updating our anti bullying policy and moving to adopt the new Bí Cineálta programme for the next academic year. Happily much of the new programme is already in practice in our school but it is always good to revisit it and see if there are ways in which we can be better.
This term is always a busy one but I want to give you some dates to add to your calendar.
Rang 6 are due to perform their musical which will be a new one to the school on the 9th of April for all the classes and on the 10th for the families of Rang 6.
Rang a 6’s overnight trip to Delphi will be on the 28th-30th May.
Junior Infants will have no school on the 16th May as the Reception Day for the new junior infants will be on that day.
Forest School for Rang 2 will be starting on the 21st and 22nd of January. More details will follow once we sit down with Claudia and plan out the terms work next week.
The Board of Management updated the school’s attendance policy last year and I’m happy to report that we have an average attendance of 95% to date. Thank you for your help with this. As we hit cold/flu season there will be children who are sick and need to stay at home. That is where they should be.
The HSE have asked me to share this with you.
As the cold weather continues, the HSE public health division has asked for your help in sharing the following important information with your school community:
For more information, go to hse.ie/flu
A reminder that the school gate closes at 08:45 but that the time from 08:30-08:45 is an important time for the children to socialise and settle themselves in the classroom before the official start of school. So rather than think of 08:45 as the deadline set it for 08:30. If you arrive after 08:45, please sign your child in at the office but don’t go to the classrooms or corridors as this can be disruptive to other children.
As it is the new year and we set new intentions could I remind everyone to be considerate of others as you manage the school drop off. Cars that stop on the hill of Mount Pleasant Place can cause significant disruption to other road users.
Have a lovely weekend everyone,
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