From the Principal’s Desk…. 

The most important thing to remember is that the school is closed tomorrow as the school is being used as a polling station. I know it’s a hassle for parents but personally I’m going to really appreciate the day. Rang Sé are having a great and challenging time in Delphi. They have been brilliant and it has been lovely seeing them bond as a group and enjoy all the activities that they have done including the ones they were nervous of at the start. But it has been busy and they are all coming back very tired and a little dirtier than they left but with great memories. It’s been brilliant and we’re not finished yet. Tag archery is the morning activity and I shall be aiming carefully!!!

Meanwhile back in Ranelagh the school is a busy as always ably led by Aoileann and all the rest of the team. Rang 5 had their trip to Baltinglass Adventure Centre yesterday. The pictures on our instagram page looked great. “Ranelaghmultid Senior Infants were at the zoo today. 

Next week is looking busy with Active Week starting. So expect lots of active homework coming your way. The teachers are all planning lots of exciting activities, competitive tag was a big hit last year and is making a comeback. We’re hoping to get a bit of whole school yoga to help us calm down after it. 

I mentioned that we were having creative month in June. Our first creative activity is a projection light show in the hall on Tuesday with the Junior Classes. Last year it was so incredible that each class have asked to come down to see it. 

Rang Sé basketballers have a tournament on Wednesday which is perfect timing for active week. A reminder that we are active more often than just for Active week is Rang 5 who are continuing their cycling training. They are looking good for getting out on the road for the last session. 

One of the loveliest days of the year is happening on Friday as the Junior Infants invite their grandparents to visit the school. If grandparents are unavailable other family members could come instead. Last year so many people were looking very questionably at some of the youngest looking grandparents who actually turned out to be an uncle and aunt. 

On Friday there will also be a musical performance for parents before school starts which I am looking forward to. I’m also looking forward to getting back to the gate on Monday.  As lovely as this view is in the morning, I'm looking to seeing all the faces Monday morning.  The other really important thing you need to know is that Sports Day is on this Sunday. There’s more information in the PA section which technically should have been in last week’s newsletter but I forgot to include it.  It is such a lovely community event.  It is a huge undertaking on the part of the Parent’s Association and I shall speak for the school community and say a huge thank you for all the effort and time that parents give to make it such a wonderful event.  I hope the weather behaves and that you are able to make it. Unfortunately for one parent who shall remain nameless, the campaign to bring back the Dad’s race wasn’t successful, we'll have to find another way for him to get a medal ;-) 

Have a lovely weekend everyone, 



From the Parents’ Association…. 

SPORTS DAY is almost here. Sun, June 9th is just around the corner so get ready, set go for the sporting event of the year!! 

Thank you so much to everyone who has volunteered to help out. The day is most fun when you're involved and it's great to see the school spirit so alive and well. 

We will message via class reps with all final details but for now, get ready with: a stuffed toy for the teddy bear race, a tie for the 3 legged race and your SENSE OF FUN for the event as a whole. We will be running a stall for recycled sports and hobby goods (irish dancing shoes, football gear e.g.) as well as for second hand RMDS merch. We will accept donations for this stall in the school from next week so drop any good-quality gear into the office for the attention of the PA. 

There will also be a bake stall. Anyone who can contribute anything to this stall (with a huge emphasis on NO NUTS), please let us know via class rep or We can then have an idea of what will be arriving to this stall on the day. 

From Childcare…. 


Enrolment Form 9.30 - 2.30 / 2.30-5 Childcare 085-1156506 

Camp - 1 Child €150 week / Camp & Childcare 9.30-5pm €175 weekly 

(Discount with 2 siblings = €285) Camp & Childcare 9.30-5pm €335 weekly 

(Discount 3 siblings = €420) / Camp & Childcare 9.30-5pm €495 weekly 

Limited Places Available, please choose which week you would like your child to attend. Payment must be paid in PLEASE TICK THE RELEVANT COLUMN FOR CAMP OR CAMP & CHILDCARE 


July Class / Age 

Additional Needs/ Allergies 


1st to 5th THE ART CAMP 

 Rathmines Cinema 

8th -12th THE LEGO CAMP 

Rathmines Cinema 

15th to 19th THE SPORTS CAMP 

Rathmines Cinema 


Rathmines Cinema 


Parents Name ___________________________________________________ 

Parents Email ___________________________________________________ 

Phone Number ___________________________________________________ 


Ranelagh Multi-Denominational School,
Ranelagh Road,
Dublin 6.
T: +353 1 496 1722