We have been having a great term in Rang 3. This term we did lots and lots of stuff.
At the start of term we made skyscrapers with weird faces. They were inspired by the artist James Rizzi. We saw buildings like them in one of the stories we read called “One Tiny Dot”.
Some of the most exciting things we did were Maya projects. We are working with our groups to research a topic about the Maya online and put it together into a group project. For the Maya project we made Mayan masks. We did this by using papier maché to make the mask and then we painted them.
For 8 weeks we were in Forest School. It was my favourite subject. We did it in Iveagh Gardens but sometimes we went to Mount Pleasant so we could light a fire. We got to saw, drill, make mallets and play. At the last session of Forest School, Claudia extended the boundaries, and in that same session we made s’mores.
We also did lots of cooking this term. In the forest, we made s’mores, pancakes and bread. On the day Tuesday group was in the forest, Paul brought us to Super Valu to buy ingredients so we could make cookies. We did this through Irish and they were really tasty!
We started IXL. This is a very fun way to learn maths on the chromebooks. We really enjoyed it!
We cannot wait for next term!
By Rang a Trí